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Free PC Help Forum Archives (READ ONLY)

  1. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I upgraded the community to the newest version of software. I also updated all the apps that power the community. We also have a new style. It uses the default Windows 2012 colors if if you use the Windows 2012 GUI install. As always if you find any bugs let me know.

  2. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have set up a ban filter to disallow registrations from gMail accounts. If you attempt to register with a gMail address you will be denied. If you are currently registered with a gMail account then you will be required to change the email on your next log in. gMail is by far the most used email service by spammers and I am tired of spam bots using gMail email address trying to register. Until Google finds a way to stop these spammers I saw that banning gMail was the only option to stop this. In the last 24 hours there were 4234 attempted user registrations. 3 were by actual users and the rest were by spam bots or spammers. Of those 4234 attempts 4129 were using gM…

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  3. With the release of Windows 2012 it was time to look to the future of this site. Staff and I discussed our options and it was decided that we should look to the future and also the past to support not only Windows 2008, but, also Windows 2012 and any previous or upcoming release of Windows Server software. What has changed? Nothing other than the name of the site and some slight re-alignment of the forums. Everything else is the same. All your bookmarks will work and all your information is still the same. The style has also changed. New domain means new style. The old style is still available for you to use, but, it is advised you use the new style since I will …

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  4. There are 2 ways to submit resources to the new resources section of the site. One way is to simply post your article, tutorial or guide in this forum. Once you do staff will move it into the new Free PC Help Forum Resources section. The other way you can submit an article, tutorial or guide is to browse to the Free PC Help Forum Resources section and submit it from there. Doing it either way will work to get your resource added to the Resources section of the site.

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  5. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have converted the site back to the software we originally used. The company that made the software we converted from is in shambles and I don't want to be running anything that could be obsolete and unsupported in a few months. There are a few things left to do and when they are done the community will be much better. Some new features are turned on and in the coming days I will be moving the tutorials into the new CMS. This will not happen overnite so please be patient and pardon the dust.

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  6. I have upgraded the software used for this site to the newest version. I also upgraded the blog software and turned the gallery on again. Along with this I changed the style to something easier on the eyes. If you find any bugs let me know about them.

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  7. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    As you can see I have changed the software that runs Free PC Help Forum. The new software is geared to make the user experience much better. The interface is new, exciting and extremely fast. With the change come some problems. Your login might not work although on another community that I recently converted users are telling me their username and password indeed does work and they are able to login without any problems. If your login does not work then use this link to reset your password. Reset Password Here If you no longer have access to the email you used to register then contact me with your new email address and I will update your user account and send you…

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  8. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have upgraded the community to the newest version of IPB software that we use on the site. There are a few things that are different and some things work a bit differently. If you are having any problems the most likely fix is to do a hard browser refresh to clear out the old js and cached files from the old version of software. Logging off and back in will sometimes clear the problems. If after doing a hard refresh and clearing your browser cache you still have problem post in the Site Suggestions forum detailing the problem and I will look into it. I have done this upgrade on a few other sites and so far all problems were because the user did not clear the br…

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  9. I have done some major changes to the site and the software used on the site. This is to make your user experience at Tech Help Forum an enjoyable one. In the coming weeks you'll see more features added. With this I also added a new default style. This new style should correct the problems some of you had with usability and readability. If you should encounter any problems please post a thread in the Site Feedback forum and I will address then as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.

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  10. Use this thread to give me feedback, both good and bad, of Tech Support Forum. Your input will help make Tech Support Forum the best it can be.

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  11. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    As you can see I have changed forum software back to vBulletin. Nothing against IPB I just thought this site would benefit from some of the extras that vBulltin has to offer from the addons community. All data has been imported as well as the downloads and links. I will be adding the news page back soon and will also add a blog section for users that want to create their own mini news site with in Free PC Help Forum.Org. If you find any bugs while visiting the site be sure to let me know in the Site Feedback and Suggestions forum. Thanks for your continued support. Bob Schwarz

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  12. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have installed a more modern style. This style highlights the newest posts and content instead of the forums themselves although the forums are still easily accessible from the left sidebar. If you encounter any bugs please let me know. This skin has been tested with Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer 8 and 9 so it should work for everyone. If you have display problems you can change your skin to the Microsoft Blue skin by using the skin chooser at the bottom of the page. Thanks and hope you all enjoy the new look of Free PC Help Forum.Org.

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  13. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    We are now on a brand new Windows 2008 R2 server. If by chance you are still hitting the site with the closed sign then flush your dns and you'll get to the new site. If you find any bugs let me know.

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  14. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have installed a new default theme for the site. If you wish to continue to use the old default style then use the style chooser at the bottom left of the page to change back to it. Thanks and enjoy the community.

  15. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have upgraded the site to the newest version of software and along with changed the style the site uses. I purchased a branding free skin and installed it as the main forum style. It much faster loading and doesn't have any of the little bugs the old skin had. If you wish to use the old skin you can change to it by using the style dropdown at the bottom left of each page.

  16. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have changed the look of the site. We now have a more modern style that will be easier for users to access all our features and Microsoft discussions. If you prefer to use the old style you can do so by selecting Microsoft Blue from the style dropdown at the bottom left of the page. If you have any comments on the new style start a thread in the Water Cooler forum and I will address your concerns.

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  17. I have finished the upgrade and the new style is turned on as the default. If you prefer the old style just select the Windows 2008 Conventional style from the drop down on the bottom left of the page. If you come across any bugs while using the new style please post in this thread and I'll look into them and fix them. If you use Internet Explorer 9 set the browser to use IE 8 compatibility mode to refresh the js. After you do this you can switch back to IE 9 mode and everything should function as is. The only glitch with IE 9 is the header does not render as it should although it doesn't affect the functionality of the site. Post any bugs you find in this thread…

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  18. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have upgraded the forum to the newest version of IPB. There are some new features so make sure to check your user control panel to take full advantage of the new options. I have also removed all the ads for members. Guests will still see the ads. Once you join the ads will disappear. This was done to make your user experience more enjoyable while still allowing the site to be self supporting. I will be adding a donation system in the future if you'd wish to contribute to the site.

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  19. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have changed the look of the site. It makes the site more efficient and it looks much better. If you have any problems or find any bugs with the new skin please post them in the site suggestions forum. The old skin is still active and you can select it by using the drop down skin selector at the bottom left of the page.

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  20. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    This weekend I will be changing the look of the forum. I have a new style selected and have it installed. I am doing some final tesing before I turn it on. I will leave the old style on for a coule weeks and then will shut it off. I am sure you will like the new layout. It will streamline the site so that means less page scrolling. The forum layout will also be better organize. [twitter]win2008forum[/twitter]

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  21. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    The site will be under going some major changes in the coming weeks. The biggest will be the software change from vbulletin to Invision Power Board. Due to the recent happenings with with vbulletin which I will not go into here I have decided to make the switch. Along with this change will be a new structure to the forum. Stay tuned these are exciting time for the users at Free PC Help Forum.

  22. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have been busy working on a couple new sites and haven't spent as much time here as I like. I did make time to upgrade the forum software as well as the design of the site. We now have only 2 styles to choose from. One with a sidebar on the index page and one without. There are other changes and modifications to the backend to make the site run more efficient. I do apologize for my absence and will try to catch up on some of the topics. One final note. I will be looking for staff to help out with the site. I will be looking for moderators and advisers. Keep an eye on the announcements forum for more information in the coming days.

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  23. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    Site upgraded and new skin added. Members make sure to check out all the new features in your admin cp.

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  24. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have changed the look of the site. Many thanks to VistaBoard for making this style available. Hope all of you like it.

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  25. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    Lighting strike put the site down for the last 20 hours. I had to move all the sites until my ISP can ship me new hardware which was hit with when the strike went through the lines.

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