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Free PC Help Forum Archives (READ ONLY)

  1. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    The server for the site is in Florida. Last weekend we had hurricane Debby pass through. While we weren't directly in the path we were close enough that power was out until yesterday afternoon. Battery backup kept the site up for a few hours as it was designed for. After it went dead we had to wait until the power was restored. I apologize for the downtime.

  2. I have removed the old styles replacing them with a new state that has a dark and light variation. You can switch between dark and light by using the cog icon next to your user info top right. More change on the way. If you find any bugs in the new style let me know.

  3. To condense things I removed some of lesser used forums with less than 5 posts. I moved the threads to the General Chat forum. The forums I removed are: Forum Games Members Photo Galleries Photo Editing and Restoration Hobbies In the future they could return if usage warrants it.

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  4. When I decided to open Free PC Help Forum I had a plan that included eventually consolidating the other tech sites I owned by importing them into here. I am also going to import my 2 off topic sites into the new Off Topic Forum that I opened alongside this one. My idea was to consolidate all sites into 2. One tech site and one off topic site. Now that I have everything back as it was I am going to start the process of importing the data from the other sites. The sites to be imported are: Computer Support Forums - FreePCHelp.uk Microsoft Forums I will keep you updated to what is happening. The site will be shut off during import. I will keep you updated by leavin…

  5. The re-birth of FPCHF was derailed for a few days. Since I dusted off the cobwebs on the old servers from when the site first started way back in 2003 one of the drives failed. As it happened it was the drive that had all the data on it. I replaced the drive and the others as well, reinstalled the OS and started the data import. Please bear with me as I upgrade and fix things. I will keep you informed during the process of getting the site in tip top shape.

  6. Windows Server customers often share with us the challenges of navigating rapid changes in recent years. Many of their IT estates have expanded to support growth, while teams are often changing, with talent coming and going. You may find your organization in a similar situation, with a sprawled IT estate that includes a mix of legacy and new applications and hardware. This can leave room for potential security vulnerabilities and compliance gaps, but also opportunities to optimize. We are committed to supporting you through the next stages of optimization and growth in your organization, which starts with a secure IT foundation. Here are four best practices to keep y…

  7. I was a little slow getting this one added. Better late than never I say. In any case I have added a new forum for Windows 11 help and discussions. Visit the new Windows 11 forum.

  8. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    Windows 11 was released for the general public starting October 5, 2021. The rollout through Windows update has started to the eligible devices and continue until 2022. Windows 11: A new era for the PC begins today | Windows Experience Blog Introducing Windows 11 | Windows Experience Blog What’s coming in Windows 11 Accessibility | Windows Experience Blog DOWNLOAD PC HEALTH CHECK APP (aka.ms) Windows 11 available on October 5 | Windows Experience Blog Download Windows 11 (microsoft.com) Windows 11 known issues and notifications | Microsoft Docs Resources for Windows 11 on Microsoft Community: The following Forum Articles from our Article Authors at Microsoft…

  9. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I am upgrading the site to the newest version of xenForo. This is a major version upgrade so I have temporarily shut off the custom styles which are not compatible with the new version. I will upgrade the styles once the site is upgraded.

  10. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I am in the process of setting up a new server for the site. I will be moving the site to this server this week. There will be some downtime. I will try to keep it minimal.

  11. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have upgraded the site to the newest version of xenforo. In the process I had to shutoff a couple styles that weren't compatible. If you find any bugs let me know by posting in the Site Feedback / Bugs / Features forum and I will get the problems fixed.

  12. I have upgraded the site to the newest version of xenforo. In the process I have also updated the privacy policy and terms of service to be fully compliant with GDPR. Next time you log in you will be asked to acknowledge that you read the privacy policy. If you run into any problems let me know.

  13. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I have shutoff the freepchelp.forum domain and now have it forwarding to my hold bin. If you use that domain as a bookmark please update the bookmark to freepchelp.forum. Sorry about any inconvenience this causes.

  14. I have turned on new styles for the site. The old styles were outdated so I decided it was tie to make the change. The new styles use the same color schemes as the old so the change isn't too drastic. If you have any problems with the new styles let me know.

  15. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    I will be doing some long needed upgrades to the network this weekend. Expected downtime will be 2-3 hours while new hardware is installed and configured.

  16. Safe Mode is the famous (or perhaps infamous) method of opening up a limited version of Windows to get around bugs or avoid viruses while troubleshooting problems and finding solutions. Traditionally, you could boot into Safe Mode in Windows by starting up and pressing F8 when the operating system first loads. However, Microsoft‘s latest iteration of Windows doesn’t follow this rule, so let’s go over how to boot into Safe mode in Windows 10. Which safe mode do you want? On Windows 10 there are a few different types of Safe Mode you can choose from, so it’s important to know what they do and which you need. Safe Mode: This is the basic version that strips away al…

  17. The site is now operating with a new domain, freepchelp.forum. This has been in the works to change domains for a while and it has now been completed. This is to make sure we can grow by gaining visibility in the search engine. The freepchelp.forum domain will continue to forward to here so any bookmarks you have will still work.

  18. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    As some have noticed site features are being turned off. This is in preparation of a major software upgrade. At this point in the process I am removing all addons. They will not be compatible with the new version. You will see things changing during this process. I expect to be done with the upgrade by the end of the day today. If things don't go as planned then the upgrade will be delayed to after Christmas.

  19. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    Google has changed policy and will treat any site that requires a user to log in as insecure unless they switch to using SSL. This takes effect after the first of the year. To make sure it doesn't get us delisted, which is the penalty, I have switched the site over to SSL. Until I run a few queries to change http to https in the links you might, from time to time, get a yellow warning instead of green lock on some pages. This will correct once I complete the full conversion.

  20. The upgrade to Windows 10 has been smooth for most, but some users will always encounter issues. Whether it’s the screen flashing, not being able to connect to the Internet, or the battery draining too quickly, it’s time to resolve these problems. We’ve rounded up the most common and annoying issues that users encounter in Windows 10, along with easy steps to fix them. Don’t downgrade from Windows 10 just yet, your woes could be solved. If you’ve had your own annoying Windows 10 issue that you were able to resolve, please do let us know it in the comments section below. 1. Update Stuck Downloading or Won’t Install Since Windows 10 forces updates on you…

  21. Congratulations, Dougie. I'm glad this has happened.

  22. Archive (Read Only) · Started by AWS,

    Comcast had a major outage which affected the site. The site was down for about 6 hours due to the problems. We are back, but, according to the account rep there could be lingering issues throughout the next couple days. IN any case I apologize for any issues you have accessing the site.

  23. FAST UPDATES AFTER WINDOWS CLEAN INSTALL! – STAGE ONE Computer technicians all over the world are often asked to carry out a clean/new install of an older windows operating system. For most of us the install its self is completed in under an hour, but downloading and installing the updates can take hours and hours. However, for the benefit of those who don’t know, there is a totally free piece of software that will enable you to get all the updates installed in under an hour. Here’s how: 1. Go to http://www.wsusoffline.net/ 2. Click on the pale blue box to go to the download area. Or click on the Download tab at the top of the page. 3. Aft…

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  24. PC HELP FORUM also known as PCHF is pleased to inform the members of the PC Help Forum that in addition to the excellent computer help and advice already being given to users all over the world that we now offer a free Photo Editing and Graphics Service. Access to this great new service can be found via the Members Lounge under General Chat/Members Photo Galleries/Image Editing & Graphics. Or just click here. Forum rules: (Sorry, but we have to have some rules) 1. The normal PC HELP FORUM Site Terms and Conditions of use will apply. 2. Members are reminded that images or content that they post anywhere on the PCHF must be either their own, or they…

    • 0 replies
  25. allheart55 (Cindy E) submitted a new resource: [plain]How to Extract Images, Text, and Embedded Files from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Documents[/plain] - [plain]Extract Images[/plain] Read more about this resource...